Bio-Sand Filters  

Bio-Sand Filters

Built on a small scale at low cost with local materials, Bio-Sand Filters last 25-30 years, do not require electricity or chemicals and are virtually maintenance free. That’s why they are one of the solutions of choice in more than 40 developing countries around the world.

Big Picture.

Big Picture

Clean water is important, but do you know why? What makes Bio-Sand Filters different? How do they actually clean dirty water? Get a primer here.

Filter FAQs.

Filter FAQs

Find out how bio-sand filters are made, what’s inside, what materials are used, what filters weigh, read the pro’s and con’s and answers to common questions.

Things To Know.

Things To Know

Bio-Sand Filters are designed to help people one drop at a time. Many users say the filtered water tastes sweet. Find out how filters do it.

How Filters Made.

To Make A Filter

Making Bio-Sand Filters is a precise craft. In this special picture gallery taken in the SAPWII workshop in India learn how these life-giving filters are made.